Gerät 040 Karl-Mörser „Ziu” kal. 600 mm - klejenie zakończone. Jest sporo niedoróbek ... ale ma nadzieje, że ich nie zauważycie :-)
Model wydawał się strasznie skomplikowany … ogromne pudło, dużo części. Jednak sklejanie dało mi dużo przyjemności. Kilka mikroskopijnych części …. ale nie za wiele.
Ogólnie polecam – duża frajda mieć tego potwora w swojej kolekcji.
Następny etap malowanie – oczywiście kamo Ziu z okresu Powstania Warszawskiego.
![Gerät 040 Karl-Mörser „Ziu”](
![Gerät 040 Karl-Mörser „Ziu”](
![Gerät 040 Karl-Mörser „Ziu”](
In order to assist in the destruction of Warsaw, Hitler ordered the dispatch of Gerät 040 Karl-Mörser „Ziu” cal. 600 mm super-heavy mortar to reinforce Korpsgruppe von dem Bach. The mortar “Ziu”, was sent to Warsaw 17 August to 22 September 1944, forming Heeres Artillerie Batterie 638. Gerät 040 Karl-Mörser „Ziu” cal. 600 mm operated from Wolski Park, on the western edge of the city. At least 56 600mm mortar rounds were fired into Warsaw during the uprising. Although “Ziu” was not accurate enough to engage point targets, its 1.7 ton shells could reduce any building it hit to rubble and served to terrorize the defenders. However “Ziu” experienced a high “dud” rate during the uprising – its shells were designed to penetrate reinforced concrete not thin-skinned apartment buildings – and the AK fighters were able to retrieve explosives from the shells and use them as filler for hand grenades.
To build a “Ziu” super-heavy mortar I used Kit HB82905 - German Morser Karl-Gerat 040/041 (late Version) from HobbyBoss.
Inside the box : features detailed chassis with vinyl track lengths, carriage and highly detailed gun with muzzle rifling and metal spring recoil action. Optional parts to build 60cm Gert 040 or 54cm Gert 041 versions. Decals for 3 vehicles: Ziu, Thor and Loki.
Overall, it is a really nicely done kit. Its really fun to build this kit !!
I had just finished glue "Ziu".
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